Swap Fees

Swap fees are imposed by the Native Swap Engine and are calculated in basis points (bps) of the input token. These fees are included in both the returned orderbooks and firm quotes.

Fees may vary based on token pairs. Higher volatility tokens typically incur higher fees.

By default, Native Swap Engine is utilizing the following swap fee structure:

Fee Bps


Trading between fiat stablecoins


Major Tokens

Trading bluechip, major tokens like BTC, ETH against another major token or stablecoins


LST LRT Tokens

Trading liquid staking and restaking tokens with any other tokens, including their underlying token and fiat stablecoins.


Generic Tokens

Trading all other Native listed tokens against any tokens, including fiat stablecoins and major tokens.

0.3% - 1%

Please be advised that the actual fee bps may be subject to change and be adjusted in accordance with the factors mentioned above.

Last updated