GET Firm quote
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Last updated
Address of the user that sells the token_in
Address of the user that receives the token_out. If empty, this address will be the same as from_address
Address of the end user that initiated the swap request.
Blockchain name, eg: ethereum, arbitrum, ...
, arbitrum
Blockchain name, eg: ethereum, arbitrum, ...
, arbitrum
Address of the token to be sold
Address of the token to be bought
Amount of token to be sold, in ether unit.
Amount of token to be sold, in wei unit.
The expiry time of the quote, in seconds.
Number in percent. For example, passing the value 5 means 5%, 0.1 means 0.1% slippage tolerance. By default it's 0.
Timeout in milliseconds
The API key that was assigned to you by Native