POST Liquidation
Last updated
Last updated
Note that for position updates: A positive amount means you want to close short position by depositing money in, negative amount means you want to close long position by withdraw the money out.
Claim collateral amount is always positive meaning how much collateral amount you want to claim
The API key that was assigned to you by Native
The address of the trader
The address of the market maker or the settler
Native blockchain name, eg: ethereum, bsc, etc
, bsc
, bsc_testnet
, sepolia
, polygon
, mumbai
, arbitrum
, avalanche
, mantle
, zetachain_athens3
, base
, manta
, scroll
, zetachain
, linea
, zklink
, morph_testnet
, morph_holesky_testnet
, mantle_sepolia_testnet
, polygon_amoy_testnet
, avalanche_fuji_testnet
, berachain_bartio_testnet
The market maker position(s) that you want to close
How much collateral you want to claim from the market maker