Using Native Credit Pool


This section assumes you have already integrated with Native as a market maker.


When Native requests a Firm-Quote from the market maker, it will pass the availableBorrowBalance parameter, indicating the amount of available tokens you can borrow to fulfil the quote.

If you wish to use Native Credit Pool to fulfil the order, respond with isBorrowing: true in your Firm-Quote response.

Signing the order

If you are using Native Credit Pool to fulfil the order, the buyer and verifyingContract fields when signing the order should be the Native Credit Pool address.

If you are using your own inventory, use the address of your own RfqPool.


Market makers can publish a different orderbook for using Native Credit Pool versus their own inventory. This can be done by using different endpoints or the same endpoint with a different field in the response to distinguish between the two inventory sources.

Last updated