Price levels endpoint for Native APIs and aggregators
Last updated
Price levels endpoint for Native APIs and aggregators
Last updated
To indicate current pricing for Native APIs and aggregators, you must provide a price level endpoint that returns the price levels of all supported pairs on a specified chain.
Native will call this endpoint every second on every supported network to retrieve the latest price levels.
The endpoint must adhere to the following format:
Name | Description |
You need to provide a response in the following format:
Type: Array of order pairs
Name | Description |
Note: The price levels must be returned in a non-cumulative manner.
For example, given the following price levels for the WETH-USDT
If someone wants to trade 3 WETH for USDT, the price would be calculated as follows: 0.001 * 1600 + 1 * 1610 + 1.999 * 1612 = 4833.988
The Native server is hosted in the Singapore region, and all market makers are required to respond to all endpoints in under 1 second.
Chain ID of the blockchain network, in integers. For example: 1 for Ethereum, 56 for BSC.
The symbol of the token you are buying or selling
The address of the token you are buying or selling
The symbol of the token that will exchanged for the base token
The address of the token that will exchanged for the base token
This is an array of tuples in the format of [[int, int]]. The value at index 0 is the amount of tokens and the value at index 1 is the price you are willing to transact at.
"Ask" or "Bid" Indicates whether you are buying or selling the base token
The minimum amount of base tokens that you are willing to transact