Changes needed for market maker quote on Aqua inventory
For the MM using /firm-quote
+ /sign-quote
+ /sign-quote
firm-quote request from Native: there will be an additional param:
firm-quote response from MM: MM should indicate if it wants to use Aqua inventory to fill this trade with the field
isUsingAqua: true
in the bodysign-quote: Native will update the buyer address. If not using Aqua, the address will be the MM dedicated pool (filling with MM's own inventory). If using Aqua, the address will be the Aqua pool address. MM can validate the pool address before signing the quote. Note that while signing, verifying contract address should also be updated accordingly.
For the MM using /firm-sign-quote
request from Native: there will be an additional param:
response from MM: MM should indicate if it wants to use Aqua inventory to fill this trade. Should update the buyer address to MM's dedicated pool (if using own inventory) or Aqua pool (if using Aqua inventory) also with the field
isUsingAqua: true
in the body. Note that while signing, verifying contract address should also be updated accordingly.
Last updated